Nový produkt
Tento mincovník vydává kulečníkové koule po vhození mincí. Pro 16 poolových koulí. Robustní schránka k připevnění na zeď. Není potřeba obsluha, zákazník si koule po zaplacení odebere a po uplynutí zaplaceného času vrátí zpět.
Je možné nastavit několik tarifů, např dle časového pásma.
na objednávku
Upozornění: poslední kus skladem!
Datum dostupnosti:
Ball Timer - mincovník pool 16 koulí
Tento mincovník vydává kulečníkové koule po vhození mincí. Pro 16 poolových koulí. Robustní schránka k připevnění na zeď. Není potřeba obsluha, zákazník si koule po zaplacení odebere a po uplynutí zaplaceného času vrátí zpět.
Je možné nastavit několik tarifů, např dle časového pásma.
Příjemce :
* Povinná pole
nebo Zrušit
The COIN TIMER for pool incorporates a container (BOX) which contains the tray for the balls. The BOX opens in the moment when the money is inserted. At the end of the acquired time, if the tray with ALL the balls is not inserted and the BOX closed, the acoustic signal will be heard, the electrical load connected to the SERVICE (light, electronic scoreboard etc. ...) will turn off and the ALARM light, if it has been connected, will start to flash. Moreover some special anti-fraud counters allow you to check for how long the ball BOX has been left open after the time is over, even without the use of electricity.
According to the value of the money that has been inserted and the hourly tariff that has been programmed, the corresponding time will be automatically loaded. The maximum cumulative time is 9 hours and 59 minutes. You can arrange, if you wish, up to 3 different hourly rates that will automatically alternate on different time zones that can be programmed for the duration of a day or a week.
The COIN TIMER supplies 2 electrical contacts: one for service (SERVICE) to which the load to be controlled must be connected and a signalling one (ALARM) to which it is possible to connect a light that will remain alight during the last minute of the purchased time. Moreover an acoustic signal indicates when 2 minutes and 1 minute is left before the time is over.
The general totalizer of the takings and the individual meter for coins or tokens, other than the anti-fraud systems, ensure the maximum operating reliability, also without electricity. The visualizer has its own internal lithium battery that ensures complete operation for more than 7 years if it is not connected to the electrical supply.
Sturdy metal container that can be fixed to a wall.
The device does not fulfill the Italian obligation of electronic recording and data transmission (Art. 2, comma 2, D.Lgs. Italiano 127/2015).
Power supply: 230Vac, 50-60Hz, 250mA maximum.
Maximum load applicable to the SERVICE and ALARM contacts: 5A, 250Vac. Available also for 115Vac, selectable during purchase.
- Výrobce: Favero
- Země původu: Itálie
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